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GCE Blue Maritimes Global Performance Benchmark Report is now available.

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Companies in Møre and Romsdal practiced cluster-based collaboration long before the theory of clusters was known in Norway. Hence, it is not surprising that the maritime cluster in Møre became the first pilot in the Norwegian Centre of Expertise program in 2004. In 2014, due to its unique global market position and its important contribution to Norwegian value creation, the cluster was granted the status of a Global Centre of Expertise.

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The last two years have been rough for the Blue Maritime cluster in Møre. After 12 years of continuous growth, both value added, revenues and employment fell by respectively 15, 12 and 8 percent. For the companies that constitute the cluster, profitability from the business was wiped out. The net profit margin for the cluster as a whole dropped from 8 to 0 percent, leaving nothing from the operations to pay for capital costs.

Figure 1-1: Overview of development in performance indicators, market situation and opportunities and challenges for the cluster going forward. Source: Menon (2016)

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